valid as of August 01 2024
I. Definitions
The terms used in the Regulations mean:
1. Buyer – a legal person or an organizational unit that is not a legal person, which is granted legal capacity by special provisions, who places an Order in the Platform;
2. Civil Code – Act of April 23, 1964 ( Journal of Laws No. 16, item 93, as amended);
3. Regulations – these Regulations for the provision of electronic services within the online store ;
4. Online platform (Platform) – online service available at , through which the Buyer may, in particular, place Orders, aksk or requests;
5. Goods – products presented in the Platform;
6. Sales contract – a contract for the sale of Goods within the meaning of the Civil Code, concluded between Seller and the Buyer, concluded using the Platform’s website;
7. Act on consumer rights – Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights ( Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827);
8. Act on the provision of services by electronic means – Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws No. 144, item 1204, as amended);
9. Order – the Buyer’s declaration of will, aimed directly at concluding a Sales Agreement, specifying in particular the type and quantity of the Goods.
II. General provisions
2.1. These Regulations define the rules for using the online platform available at .
2.2. These Regulations are the regulations referred to in Art. 8 of the Act on the provision of electronic services.
2.3. The online store, operating at , is run by Kowalskimark Joanna Kowalska, Będzymin ul. Główna 71, 09-300 Żuromin, NIP 5110074315, REGON 691790426
2.4. These Regulations specify in particular:
a) rules for registering and using the account in the online platform;
b) terms and conditions for placing Orders electronically in the online platform;
c) rules for concluding Sales Agreements using the services provided within the Online Platform;
d) rules nad conditions of other activities like: asks and request, provided within the Online Platform.
2.5. Using the platform store is possible provided that the IT system used by the Buyer meets the following minimum technical requirements:
ActiveX , JavaScript , cookies enabled , or
b) Mozilla Firefox version 3.0 or newer with Java applets , JavaScript and cookies enabled , or
c) Google Chrome version 21.0 or newer with Java applet , JavaScript and cookies support enabled
c) the minimum screen resolution is 1280 x 720 pixels.
2.6. In order to use the online platform, the Buyer should obtain access to a computer station or terminal device with Internet access on his own.
2.7. In accordance with applicable law, Kowalskimark reserves the right to limit the provision of services via the Online Platform to persons who are over 18 years of age. In such a case, potential customers will be notified about the above.
2.8. Buyers can access these Regulations at any time via the link on the home page of the website, download it and print it out.
2.9. Information about the Goods provided on the Platform’s website, in particular their descriptions, technical and operational parameters and prices, constitute an invitation to conclude a contract within the meaning of Art. 71 of the Civil Code.
III. Rules for using the eShopsCenter Platform
3.1. Registration is necessary to start using the Online Platform. Every user visiting the store becomes a guest, which do not allows them to make purchases in the platform. Registration makes shopping and other activities possible. We encourage all buters to create their own accounts.
3.2. Registration takes place by completing and accepting the registration form available on one of the Platform’s pages.
3.3. The condition for registration is to agree to the content of the Regulations and to provide personal data marked as mandatory.
3.4. Kowalskimark may deprive the Buyer of the right to use the Online Platform, and may also limit his access to part or all of the resources of the Online Platform, with immediate effect, in the event of a breach by the Buyer of the Regulations, and in particular when the Buyer:
a) provided during registration in the online platform data that is untrue, inaccurate or outdated, misleading or violating the rights of third parties,
b) has infringed the personal rights of third parties via the online platform, in particular the personal rights of other users of the online platform,
c) engages in other behaviors that will be considered by Kowalskimark as inconsistent with applicable law or general principles of using the Internet or detrimental to the good name of Kowalskimark .
3.5. A person who has been deprived of the right to use the online store cannot register again without Kowalskimark’s prior consent .
3.6. In order to ensure the security of the transmission of messages and data in connection with the services provided on the Website, the Online Platform takes technical and organizational measures appropriate to the level of risk to the security of the services provided, in particular measures to prevent unauthorized persons from obtaining and modifying personal data transmitted on the Internet.
3.7. The buyer is obliged in particular to:
a) not providing or transmitting content prohibited by law, e.g. content promoting violence, defamatory or violating personal rights and other rights of third parties,
b) use the Online Platform in a way that does not interfere with its functioning, in particular through the use of specific software or devices,
c) not to take actions such as: sending or posting unsolicited commercial information in the Online Platform (spam),
d) use the Online Platform in a way that is not inconvenient for other users and for Kowalskimark ,
e) use all content posted in the Online Platform only for your own personal use,
f) use the Online Platform in a manner consistent with the provisions of the law in force in the territory of the Republic of Poland, the provisions of the Regulations, as well as with the general principles of using the Internet.
IV. Procedure for concluding a Sales Agreement
4.1. In order to conclude a Sales Agreement via the Online Platform, please visit the website, select the appropriate product and its available attributes, and take further technical steps based on the messages displayed to the Buyer and the information available on the website.
4.2. The Buyer selects the Goods ordered by adding them to the cart.
4.3. When placing an Order – until the “Confirm Order” button is pressed or PayPal payment is selected – the Customer has the opportunity to modify the entered data and the selection of the Goods. For this purpose, please follow the messages displayed to the Customer and the information available on the website.
4.4. After the Customer using the Online Platform provides all necessary data, a summary of the placed Order will be displayed. The summary of the placed Order will include information regarding:
a) the subject of the order,
b) unit and total price of the ordered products or services, including delivery costs and additional costs (if any),
c) selected payment method,
d) selected delivery method,
4.5. In order to send an Order, it is necessary to accept the content of the Regulations, provide personal data marked as mandatory and press the “Order and pay” button.
4.6. Sending the Order by the Buyer constitutes a declaration of will to conclude a Sales Agreement with Seller, in accordance with the Regulations.
4.7. After placing the Order, the Buyer receives an e-mail entitled “[E-Centrum Handlowe] Order Confirmation”, containing final confirmation of all important elements of the Order.
4.8. The contract is deemed concluded when the Customer receives the e-mail message referred to above.
4.9. The sales contract is concluded in English, with content consistent with the Regulations.
V. Delivery
5.1. Delivery of Goods is limited to the areas indicated by the Seller and takes place to the address indicated by the Buyer when placing the Order.
5.2. Detailed information on delivery and shipping costs can be found at Seller profil..
5.3. The essential provisions of the Goods Sales Agreement are recorded, secured, made available and confirmed to the Buyer by sending the Buyer to the provided e-mail address and by attaching an invoice to the shipment containing the Goods.
VI. Prices and payment methods
6.1. The prices of the Goods are given in EUR and include all components, including VAT if applicable (with the indication of the rate), buyer duties and all other components.
6.2. The buyer has the option of paying for the order via (under the condition the Seller activate form of payment):
a) e-transfer via the PayU payment system,
b) payment via PayPal ,
c) payment by card via PayPal . Allowed operators are Visa, MasterCard , Discoverer Network, Maestro, American Express and the card will be charged at the time of payment,
d) payment on delivery.
6.3. When making a card payment, it is necessary to provide the CVV2/CVC2 number, which can be found on the reverse of the payment card (visualized in the graphic below)

VII. Complaints regarding the Goods
7.1. Each Seller on the platform is liable to the Buyer.
7.2. Complaints resulting from the violation of the Buyer’s rights guaranteed by law or under these Regulations should be sent to contact data which Seller placed in the profile. Kowalskimark undertakes every possibility, to ensure the seller will consider complaint within 14 days, and if this is not possible, to inform the Buyer within this period when the complaint will be considered.
7.3. Kowalskimark is not a manufacturer of goods. The manufacturer is liable for the warranty of the sold Goods under the conditions and for the period indicated in the warranty card. If the warranty document provides for such a possibility, the Buyer may submit his claims under the warranty directly to the authorized service centre whose address is included in the warranty card.
VIII. Complaints regarding the provision of electronic services
8.1. Kowalskimark takes steps to ensure the fully correct operation of the Platform, to the extent that results from current technical knowledge, and undertakes to remove any irregularities reported by Buyers within a reasonable time.
8.2. The Buyer is obliged to immediately notify Kowalskimark of any irregularities or interruptions in the operation of the Online Platform.
8.3. The Buyer may report irregularities related to the operation of the Platform in writing to the following address: Kowalskimark , Bedzymin ul. Główna 71, 09-300 Będzymin by e-mail to or using the contact form.
8.4. In the complaint, the Buyer should provide his name and surname, company name, correspondence address, type and date of occurrence of the irregularity related to the operation of the Platform.
8.5. Kowalskimark undertakes to consider each complaint within 14 days, and if this is not possible, to inform the Buyer within this period when the complaint will be considered.
IX. Final provisions
9.1. Resolving any disputes arising between Kowalskimark and a Buyer who is not a consumer within the meaning of Art. 22[1] of the Civil Code of the Civil Code, shall be submitted to the court having jurisdiction over the headquarter of the Kowalskimark company .
9.2. In matters not regulated in these Regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code, the provisions of the Act on the provision of electronic services and other relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply.
Updated as of August 1, 2024